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*Equal contributions
Vo, V.A., Sutterer, D.W., Foster, J.J., Sprague, T.C., Awh, E. and Serences, J.T. (in press). Shared representational formats for information maintained in working memory and information retrieved from long-term memory. Cerebral Cortex. Preprint
Sutterer, D. W., Polyn, S., & Woodman, G. F. (2021). Alpha-band activity tracks a 2-dimensional spotlight of attention during spatial working memory maintenance. Journal of Neurophysiology, 125(3), 957–971. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Sutterer, D. W., Coia, A. J., Sun, V., Shevell, S. K., & Awh, E. (2021). Decoding chromaticity and luminance from patterns of EEG activity. Psychophysiology, 58(4), e13779. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Munneke, J., Fahrenfort, J. J., Sutterer, D., Theeuwes, J., & Awh, E. (2021). Multivariate analysis of EEG activity indexes contingent attentional capture. NeuroImage, 226, 117562. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Sutterer, D.W., Foster, J.J., Serences, J.T., Vogel, E.K., & Awh, E. (2019). Alpha-band oscillations track the retrieval of precise spatial representations from long-term memory. Journal of Neurophysiology, 122(2) 539-551. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Sutterer*, D.W., Foster*, J.J., Adam, K.C.S., Vogel, E.K., Awh, E. (2019). Item-specific delay activity demonstrates concurrent storage of multiple active neural representations in working memory. PLOS Biology. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Sprague T.C., Adam, K.C.S., Foster, J.J., Rahmati, M., Sutterer, D.W., Vo, V.A. (2018). Inverted Encoding Models Assay Population-Level Stimulus Representations, Not Single-Unit Neural Tuning. Eneuro, 5(3), 1-5. PDF | Publisher Website
van Moorselaar, D., Foster, J.J., Sutterer, D.W., Theeuwes, J., Olivers, C.N.L., Awh, E. (2018). Spatially selective alpha oscillations reveal moment-by-moment tradeoffs between working memory and attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30(2), 256-266. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Foster, J.J., Sutterer, D.W., Serences, J.T., Vogel, E.K., & Awh, E. (2017). Alpha-band oscillations enable spatially and temporally resolved tracking of covert spatial attention. Psychological Science, 28(7), 929-941. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Oberauer, K., Awh, E., Sutterer, D.W. (2017). The role of long-term memory in a test of visual working memory: Proactive facilitation but no proactive interference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 43(1), 1-22. PDF | Publisher Website
Emrich, S.M., Johnson, J.S., Sutterer, D.W., Postle, B.R. (2017). Comparing the effects of 10-hz repetitive TMS on tasks of visual STM. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29(2), 286-297. PDF | Publisher Website
Sutterer, D.W., & Awh, E. (2016) Retrieval practice enhances the accessibility but not the quality of memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23(3): 831-841. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Ester, E., Sutterer, D. W., Serences, J., & Awh, E. (2016). Feature-selective attentional modulations in human frontoparietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(31): 8188-8199. PDF | Publisher Website
Foster J.J., Sutterer, D.W., Serences, J.T., Vogel. E.K., & Awh, E. (2016). The topography of alpha-band activity tracks the content of spatial working memory. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115(1) 168-177. PDF | Publisher Website | Data and Code
Postle, B.R., Awh, E., Serences, J.T., Sutterer, D.W., & D’Esposito, M. (2013). The positional specificity effect reveals a passive trace contribution to visual short-term memory. PLOS One, 8(12): e83483. PDF | Publisher Website
Kundu, B., Sutterer, D.W., Emrich, S.M., & Postle, B.R. (2013). Strengthened effective connectivity underlies transfer of working memory training to tests of short-term memory and attention, The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(20): 8705-8715. PDF | Publisher Website
Johnson, J.S., Sutterer, D.W., Acheson, D.J., Lewis-Peacock, J.A, & Postle, B.R. (2011). Increased alpha-band power during the retention of shapes and shape-location associations in visual short-term memory, Frontiers in Psychology, 2(128): 1-9. PDF | Publisher Website